Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Germany, here we come!

We found out in March, shortly after Libby was born that Philip won the Fulbright, thus allowing our whole family to live in Germany for a semester.  Learning the German language is a life-goal for Phil and now it is becoming actualized!  Edy, Max and Lucy are all enrolled in German schools and aside from full immersion in German culture, Phil will also have a tutor.  I think we all may learn a lot of Deutsche!  We will be living in Eichstatt, Bavaria near a University that is "hosting" Phil as a Fulbright researcher.

This is the view from our apartment window


  1. Where is the view from your apartment window?

    I am so excited for you guys! I looked up your address on Google maps - it looks like such a cute town! So picturesque!

  2. Awesome! I'm so glad you're going to keep a blog...just be better at posting in it than I've been in mine! :) I've added you to my google reader.

  3. You are all in my prayers for a safe journey....goodbye, children!

  4. Wow! What an exciting adventure you guys have ahead of you. I look forward to your updates! Love to all!!

  5. O.K. already, it's 9/9/10 and we haven't herd word.Your mother & father are

  6. Yeah, that image of the view from our apartment window did not post! I'll try again...

  7. Ah, ha! I finally got that pic uploaded!
